
7 Leadership Qualities of Queen Elizabeth II That Make Her Stand Out from The Crowd

In the spring of 1952, a young princess on an arduous world tour with her husband demanded a much-needed respite from the official matters. The couple retreated to a serene game-viewing lodge, now-famous...

Looking for Work? Not Anymore! Here are the Best Companies to Work for in London

At a time when Mike Ashley and Sir Philip Green are making headlines as billionaires whose companies are the best companies to work for in London, it is important that we shed light on all such organizations...

7 Out-of-the-Box Black Friday Shopping Tips to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

Black Friday madness is just around the corner. For shoppers who like to run rampant on a shopping spree, it can be a daunting task to find the best shopping deals and make the most prudent buying decisions...

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